Quin weighed an awesome 9 lbs 11 oz! For some reason, my body makes giant babies. Cayden was 8 lbs 13 oz... But now he's barely on the charts. He's holding steady to the 8th percentile for weight for his age and height. So I joke that I make giant babies and really tiny children. Making big babies makes sense for parents who are short and stocky, but when they turn into tiny toddlers, I wonder what happened. Oh well. We will find out later if my kiddos grow into their "stocky" genes.
Having big babies definitely took a toll on my body. So much so that Jared and I have called it quits on having more children. I have medically shut down the baby making factory. Both Cayden and Quin had to be born via c-section because of their size. The doctor referred to them as macrosomias (aka "big ass baby"-as explained by my OB). It's been 3 weeks since I had Quin, and I'm still trying to recover. The slow rate could be because, oh, I don't know, I'm trying to keep up with my 20 month old. Possible. Oh! And did I mention that my hair got darker with the pregnancies so at one point I had 3-4 different colors on my head? I looked like a calico kitty!
Even though my body was taken over by macrosomias, nosebleeds, water weight, cankles, and 32 lbs of stretch mark causing goodness, I have never been happier.
I look at my sweet little family and thank God for loving me enough to gift me an amazing, hot:) husband and two beautiful sons. What else could I possibly want or need?
I know there will be difficult days ahead and frustrating moments, but I will accept those with open arms because I have these amazing people in my life. And because I no longer have to worry about getting cankles! It's a win-win!
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