Friday, May 4, 2012

High Five for Friday

As I was reading through one of my favorite blogs, The Small Things Blog, I came across a great idea that I want to implement.  Kate, author of Small Things, writes every Friday about her top five highlights of the week.  Side note: if you love hair and make-up tips, you will love her blog. I highly recommend it.

Here are my top five of the week:
1. I have successfully made it to the 2 week mark for healthy eating and exercising. It's been a great journey thus far, and I have learned a lot about my inner strength and will power.  I also feel healthier.

2. I got my haircut yesterday and its short (won't fit into a ponytail)....but I LOVE it!! Its so easy.  My wonderful stylist also thinned it out just a bit so that it won't blow up like a helmet in this crazy humid weather.

3. Today is an anniversary for me.  Ten years ago I graduated with a BA in Pre-Professional Psychology from Lipscomb University.  Next month will mark my 10th anniversary from when I moved to Atlanta.  Time seriously does fly!! I can't believe its been that long.

4. Also, today I was given the privilege of leading the entire school in a devotion.  I didn't know how that was going to turn out, and I was a little nervous.  But as soon as I got on the speaker, it was great.  I spoke on Patience and Galatians 6:9,  "Do not be weary of doing good, for at the proper time you will reap a great harvest if you do not give up."  Powerful!

5. I know this sounds odd to be in a top five of the week, but Cayden finally got his top two teeth! I've noticed that once his teeth start to come through, his mood gets better. 

So, that's it.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!!



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