Friday, March 30, 2012

Plans for April

I've really enjoyed writing this past month, especially researching different things in regards to fitness. I enjoy sharing the things I love in life and how to find the silver lining in the things that cause frustration.  As I was writing the last installment for March Fitness, I decided to change things up.

Originally, I wanted to write on one topic each month to keep things simple and organized.  But I just don't think that is going to be possible.  There are way too many topics swirling around in my head...its tricky having to narrow them down.  Because I am a blog newbie...its not to early to change the "plan of operation".

Here's what's coming up:

Cayden and I are about to visit my wonderful sister, Christia, and her amazing fiance, Jimmy. They live in Beacon, NY.  So, stay tuned....I know I'm gonna have a blast! But I've never flown with an infant before. Yikes! Oh! The many adventures and learning experiences I have ahead of me :).


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