Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I'm writing today with a broken heart and on the verge of tears.  It's a such a struggle to keep the tears at bay that my nose burns.

I found out last night that a high school classmate of mine passed away two-and-a-half years ago.

As most people do when they go off to college and start living their lives post-high school, they lose touch with their classmates.  I have kept up with some through Facebook, but not often enough...obviously, since I just heard the news.  I found out because the "other Jessica" in my class (there were only 2 Jessica's) posted on FB about the death of a classmate, and out of shock and curiosity, I asked her who it was.  When she responded, my shock could only be expressed through overwhelming tears.

Our class of '98 Homecoming Queen (30 years old) lost her battle with depression Thanksgiving 2009 leaving behind her husband and 3 small children.

I woke up Jared, told him, and just cried in his arms.

I'm still trying to wrap my mind around how one of the most kind and energetic people I have ever met is no longer with us.  Its almost too much for my brain to comprehend.

Just like the majority of the adolescent age group, I was trying to find my way in high school.  I floated from group to group trying to fit in.  I wanted so badly to fit into the "popular" group.  Who doesn't? Honestly? I wanted to belong not just because they were popular, but because they were all so nice and kind, and knew what they wanted out of life.  They were great to be around, and accepted everyone.  This was the group she belonged in.

My heart breaks not only because she is gone, but also because how she left. 

Knowing her, I am sure she fought this mental disease as hard as she could.  I pray for her family, her husband, and, especially, her babies.  Even now, years later, I'm sure they need the strength that only our heavenly Father can provide.

I will always remember her adventurous heart, her humor, her humility, her strong faith, and her love for others. I wish she knew how much I admired her.  Maybe God can forward the message.

"Answer me quickly, LORD; my spirit fails. Do not hide your face from me or I will be like those who go down to the pit. Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life." Psalm 143:7-8

Friday, August 24, 2012

Back at it!

This past summer was probably one of the most amazing times I've ever had simply because of one thing....or person.  My son.  Waking up every single morning and spending every minute with him was wonderful and life-changing.  The word "busy" doesn't even cover it.  Here is what happened this summer.

  1. We went to Pawley's Island, SC for 2 weeks.  It was Cayden's first time playing with the sand and ocean. He also got his very first ear infection that trip.
  2. We went thrift store shopping almost daily (Goodwill, Revive, Salvation Army, any one that we came across). I love thrifting...my sister and mom have had an effect on me.
  3. Jared and I threw an engagement party for Whit and Lindley with a Pride and Prejudice theme.  I'll post pictures later. But it was for 50 people...yeah.
  4. My sister got married to the love of her life in New York, then we just got back from Florida for the actual family wedding.
  5. I taught a pottery camp for 4th-8th grade students.  It was insane. No one warned me that a full day camp with this age was probably not a good idea.  However, lesson learned. Half-day camps from here on out!
  6. I took part of my yearbook staff to a 3 day intensive in July.  It was very informative.

Before I knew it, the eight weeks were gone.  It was one of those times where the saying "need a vacation from your vacation" came to mind when I went back to school August 2nd.

Now, I'm back at it.  Back to work.  Back to every day life where I'm juggling our home schedules with work schedules, figuring out budgets, insurance changes and when I'm going to paint, trying to find the motivation to workout and eat healthy....I'm exhausted.

I have to keep remembering and applying Philippians 4:13, "I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength." Also, if the Proverbs 31 woman can do it all, so can I.  I hope.

I have a lot of plans for this year, and I will do my best to keep you updated.  The first thing on the list is Cayden's 1st Birthday!! My little dinosaur is turning into a toddler.  I have waited to the very last minute to plan this thing...meaning the only thing I have done is send out the invitations.  Sheesh!

So....here we go! The life of a full-time working mom continues....

Friday, May 11, 2012

High Five for Friday-May 11, 2012

Yay for Friday!! Its been a really quick week with so many wonderful things happening and many blessings coming from everywhere.

Here are my top five events from the week:

1. My mom and dad came for a visit.  I get to see my mom every month, but I don't get to see my dad as often.  I am so SO glad that he decided to come with mom this month, even if it was just for 48 hours. I love my Daddy! And so does his grandson!
Cayden, Oma, & G-Daddy
2. I sent in my application today to Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) for their Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Painting program.  After a week of prayer and speaking to my wise counsel members, I decided to go for it.  As an educator, I automatically will receive 1/2 tuition scholarship which takes it from $30K/Year to $15K/Year.  After speaking to a SCAD rep, she said that I could also receive an academic scholarship and portfolio scholarship that would make up the difference, giving me a full ride!! So, I am going to do everything that I can to make that happen!! Including creating an entire portfolio in just a few months....but I got this!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


A few months ago, I discovered Birchbox.  It is one of the greatest things on "my" planet.  It's not a tree or a type of bush. 

It is a box full of beauty samples.  For only $10/month, I get a box of 5-6 travel size samples of new and/or top beauty products.  Do you know how much money this saves me a month?  I don't need to go to Sephora or Ulta on a consistent basis. I still go....but usually because its something that I use often and have run out of. 

I just got my May box yesterday and was so excited to see what was inside.  Apparently, it was the "Gossip Girl" edition, which doesn't really mean much to me.  However, it was cool stuff! I am also posting the contents of my March box because I really liked a few products in it (and shhhhh!... so did my husband, one face product in particular.)

March Birchbox:
1. Miss Jessie's Quick Curls
  • I tried this, but it made my hair really oily.  I've got a lot of curl/wave to my hair, and it didn't really work for me.  I'm just going to keep it in my guest bathroom for when they need hair product.
2. Stila sample: Smoky Eye
  • Still haven't used this. But it will be great to keep it in my purse for quick fixes or when I need to go to dinner after work and need a touch-up.
3. Deborah Lippmann "the Stripper to go" Nail Polish Remover Pads
  • I have already used both of these! I love it! However, I wouldn't buy a whole box of them.  A bottle of polish remover and cotton balls work for me.
4.**BEST IN MY BOX!!** One Love Skin Savior - Waterless Beauty Balm

Friday, May 4, 2012

High Five for Friday

As I was reading through one of my favorite blogs, The Small Things Blog, I came across a great idea that I want to implement.  Kate, author of Small Things, writes every Friday about her top five highlights of the week.  Side note: if you love hair and make-up tips, you will love her blog. I highly recommend it.

Here are my top five of the week:
1. I have successfully made it to the 2 week mark for healthy eating and exercising. It's been a great journey thus far, and I have learned a lot about my inner strength and will power.  I also feel healthier.

2. I got my haircut yesterday and its short (won't fit into a ponytail)....but I LOVE it!! Its so easy.  My wonderful stylist also thinned it out just a bit so that it won't blow up like a helmet in this crazy humid weather.

3. Today is an anniversary for me.  Ten years ago I graduated with a BA in Pre-Professional Psychology from Lipscomb University.  Next month will mark my 10th anniversary from when I moved to Atlanta.  Time seriously does fly!! I can't believe its been that long.

4. Also, today I was given the privilege of leading the entire school in a devotion.  I didn't know how that was going to turn out, and I was a little nervous.  But as soon as I got on the speaker, it was great.  I spoke on Patience and Galatians 6:9,  "Do not be weary of doing good, for at the proper time you will reap a great harvest if you do not give up."  Powerful!

5. I know this sounds odd to be in a top five of the week, but Cayden finally got his top two teeth! I've noticed that once his teeth start to come through, his mood gets better. 

So, that's it.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!!


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Eat Better, Feel Better

As I mentioned in an earlier post, my husband and I began changing our poor and unhealthy eating habits to more of a whole foods based diet.  I realize that "whole foods" means different things to different people, but for us, it means eating as healthy as possible and reducing if not eliminating all processed foods.  We cannot afford to eat strictly organic for everything, but we do for a lot of things. Today is Day 11. I am happy to say that it has been a success so far.

There are 2 main reasons why we chose to do this
#1 - We want to set a good example for our son (and future children).  I believe that if he is raised early on to crave the right kind of foods, he will be healthier, happier, and have more energy to do whatever he sets his mind on.

#2 - We need to lose weight.  Both of us are "stocky" by nature, and I battle with Hypothroidism (slow to non-existant metabolism).  Plus, we both love, and I mean LOVE, desserts.  I know for me, mentally, my desire for sugary things was getting out of control.  I can't do the things that I want to do if I'm sucking all my energy out of my body with processed sugar.  Eating the right things (lean protein, low GI fruits and veggies, salads, and Greek yogurt) has given me more energy and actually makes me happier.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

May = CRAZY!

I haven't posted anything since last week because the end of April and May are absolutely crazy for me.  Why? It's the end of the school year, and everything seems to happen at the end of the school year. But here is an update on what has been keeping me so busy!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"Spring" Cleaning, Part II

Here is Part II of “Spring” Cleaning.  De-cluttering at its best!  There are so many people out there that could use what you have that you don’t need, so it’s time to give back and donate unused/unwanted items that aren’t trashy.  When you go through each room in your house, you really need to have the mindset of a “minimalist”.  You can easily narrow things down by categories.  Here are some examples you could use:
  • What do you use EVERY DAY? (Keep in the front or in a reachable area.)
  • What do you use EVERY WEEK? EVERY MONTH? (Keep towards the middle and back, or in hard to reach areas.)
  • What do you only use on SPECIAL OCCASIONS? (Store these things.)
  • Is this item a KEEPSAKE? (Store these things.)
  • Can you live without it? (If no, fit it into one of the categories above.  If yes, get rid of it.)
*Excellent Bathroom Organization from www.designsponge.com*

Monday, April 16, 2012

"Spring" Cleaning, Part I

I just call it “de-cluttering” because it should probably be done more than once a year… especially in my house. I am going to split this post into 2 parts because there are a lot of (hopefully) helpful tips.  The first part includes the basics to get you thinking and to start the motivation. The second part I’ll post tomorrow and it separates the task by room and section of the house.
*This is not my pantry, but, MAN, do I wish it was! Awesome organization!*
Photo from Google Images (stagetecture.com)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Blog Re-Design

If I could only make up my mind! As an artist, I take full advantage of my "license to change".  I thought that I wanted an eclectic blog background, but the more I looked at it, it became confusing and a little too much. 

This design is more simple and once again comes from LeeLou Blogs. Her templates are free as are the templates from The Cutest Blog on the Block (the previous design).  Click on the links below to read  posts about both sites. If you have a blog, check them out. I am sure there are others, and as soon as I find out what they are, I will post the links.

Eventually, I will either create my own design, or have one created for me.....but until then, free is good!

LeeLou Blogs

The Cutest Blog on the Block

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Black Sheep Studio

Cayden just had his 6 month photo shoot done by an amazing husband and wife team (Jonah and Carrie Fisher) who own The Black Sheep Studio in the Atlanta area.  They were great to work with, very timely, and in tune to the needs and mood of a baby.  They were very patient to say the least. They also managed to perfectly capture the personality of my beloved boy.  The photos they produce are more than portraits, they tell a story.

If you are interested in brilliant life photos of your family, then look up The Black Sheep Studio

Click HERE for their Facebook page and "Like" them!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Air Travel with an Infant

“Spring Break” for me will now equal “Trip to New York”.  I have visited my sister, Christia, for the past two years now, and it has been such a blast.  I love sister time.  There’s nothing like it.

Last year, I was pregnant.  This year, I took my 7 month old.  The two visits could not be more different.  It’s amazing how things can drastically change in 365 days! Through trial and error, I now know what to do and what not to do; what to bring and what not to bring. Most importantly, I have discovered a new meaning to “go with the flow”.

What to do and What to bring:

Friday, March 30, 2012

Plans for April

I've really enjoyed writing this past month, especially researching different things in regards to fitness. I enjoy sharing the things I love in life and how to find the silver lining in the things that cause frustration.  As I was writing the last installment for March Fitness, I decided to change things up.

Originally, I wanted to write on one topic each month to keep things simple and organized.  But I just don't think that is going to be possible.  There are way too many topics swirling around in my head...its tricky having to narrow them down.  Because I am a blog newbie...its not to early to change the "plan of operation".

Here's what's coming up:

The Cutest Blog on the Block Template

I found a super cool site for free blog templates.  I had to adjust the text size....but that's it.

The site is called "The Cutest Blog on the Block."  And their blog is called "2 Moms Talk".  They have a bunch of other really awesome freebies. Click on the pics below to go to their sites. Have fun updating!!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

March Fitness #6: Perseverance

Several weeks ago, I was listening to a speach entitled "Throw and Go." She reminded me of the scripture in Hebrews : "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." (12:1)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

March Fitness #5: Random Calorie Burn

I don't know about you, but there are some days that I cannot get myself to do anything "fitness-y".  Like today...

I'm tired. I need a nap. And I have a headache. HOWEVER..... if I don't do anything then I will give myself grief later. 

Thinking about how I just want to go home and nap, I remembered that "household" activities also count as exercise and burn just as many calories.  It's just over a longer time period...

I found these examples from About.com.  Calories Burned with Home Activities (it lists a good amount of home activities including "child care-grooming, bathing, etc.".... how cool!)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March Fitness #4: Knee Injury Prevention and Care

We all inherit something from our family.  I got lucky and inherited my dad’s bad knees.  Yea, me!  About two weeks ago, I was holding my son while he slept at a baby shower, and I had my left leg crossed over my right…with knee bent….for an hour.  Needless to say, my knee tightened up and actually became bruised.  Walking anywhere was a huge task, especially going up and down the stairs at home.   During the day, the school where I work has a huge campus, and I average walking about 2.5 miles a day.  It took me FOREVER to get from one end to the next in time to start class. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March Fitness #3: I need ENERGY!!!

Awake since 5:00 a.m.  Check!

Baby taken to family care at 7:00 a.m. Check!
Work till 3:30 p.m. Check!

Pick up baby at 4:00 p.m. Check!
Make dinner…..clean up dinner…..change diaper…..carry baby on hip because he’s in a clingy phase…..laundry….play with dogs…..feed dogs…… clean-up toys…….check! Check! CHeck! CHECK!!!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March Fitness #2 - Workout with Baby

Not only do my husband, Jared, and I want to look and be our best, but we also want to set a good example for our son.  He’s 6 months old, so, why not start early? I am a firm believer in children mimicking their parents or caregivers.  If Cayden is raised with parents who eat junk food and watch TV as soon as they walk through the door, who’s to say that he won’t do the same?  We would basically be supporting an unhealthy lifestyle. I want to live a long life, and I want my family to as well.

Monday, March 5, 2012

March Fitness #1 - Daily Workouts

As I was going through my new favorite website, Pinterest, I found many people had pinned daily workouts. When I went to find the source, it sent me somewhere else. I had to rely on photo only for the work-out routine. So, I have recreated it in easy printable .pdf file for you to print and use. Also, just make sure it is cool with your doc for you to be working out….

March = Fitness

Its March….already!! And “Spring Forward” is this weekend.  Everyone will be out in their yards planting pretty things, and all the moms will be dusting off their jogging strollers, strapping in their babies, and going for a run.  I hope to be doing both of those.  Spring weather, to me, is equivalent to being outside and getting fit for the summer (You know? Bathing suit season?)

For the month of March, I am going to share with you any and all FITNESS tips that I have found.  They might not all work for you, but I will give them a test drive and let you know. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Awesome Background

I want to take time and thank the provider and creator of this awesome background.  I am an artist, but I am by no means a graphic designer.  I found this blog on Pinterest (don't you love Pinterest?) and want to share it with you. Thank you Leelou Blogs for my super cool looking blog!

Go check it out if you need a background!



Welcome to "It's Everything In Between"! 

My mission and goal for this blog is two-fold.  As an innate researcher and observer, I am always on a quest for knowledge.  I was probably the typical 2 year old that perpetually asked, "why?" So, I want to be able to share with all of you my research about living a balanced life.  This blog is primarily geared toward the full time working wife and mother like myself.  The second reason for this blog is to help me establish or re-establish my identity with the additional priorities that have come into my life these past 2 years.....a husband and a child.

I am always researching, so, hopefully, I will always be posting.

And....here....we....go! :)